The distinctive look of stained window glass

When one thinks of stained glass windows, beautifully ornate churches from the Romanesque and early Gothic period come to mind. In those days, stained glass windows were made by artists who used lead to fuse together many individual pieces of colored glass to create intricate designs.

The stained window glass created beautiful focal points on the exteriors of these grand buildings and even more visual interest from the inside when light poured in. Taking inspiration from these early works of art, ProVia’s Art Glass windows were created to elevate your home’s curb appeal with a custom exterior accent. With a variety of beautiful designs, several colors of resin bead and several color palettes to choose from, Art Glass affords homeowners the opportunity to infuse their own personality into their home design.

Check out the Art Glass Brochure to get all the details about stained window glass.

Art Glass Colors

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